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Creative Design Solutions

ProAmpac's four step process, Ideate, Illustrate, Render and Prototype, facilitates new package development and speeds the commercial launch of new products.

Our 4 Step Process

We start by ideating package concepts based on strategic requirements and goals resulting in a range of simple to differentiated and unique package designs. Our illustrators then bring the concepts to life showing functionality, retail display, and overall use to gain stakeholder approval. Next, our designers work with you to develop graphics and create 3D photo-realistic renderings to better visualize the final commercial package. We then produce commercial quality prototypes of the lead concepts for marketing, filling, consumer or compatibility studies. We ensure the concepts are manufacturable and fillable, allowing for a seamless and rapid transition to commercial orders.



The IDEAtion process is a creative step in designing award-winning packages. We start with the strategic goals and target market of the product. Thoughts and ideas are translated into creative packaging concept with features like reclose, dispensing, handling, texture and shape. We consider manufacturability, sustainability, retailing, distribution, consumer interaction and more to ensure the concepts meet brand goals and can be commercialized. The outcome is a clear path to short, medium and long-term development of packaging concepts that meet your strategic product launch goals.



Bringing ideas to life through illustrations and storyboards helps visualize the design, retailing options and consumer use of new packaging concepts. This helps key stakeholders better understand how the new concepts meet strategic goals for the brand, retailing options and how or where consumers might interact with the new packaging. The realistic drawings highlight package opening, dispensing, reclose and storage. Illustrations are a quick, powerful tool to visualize and narrow the number of Ideation concepts that meet the brand, packaging, retail and consumer objectives.



Our designers help you move from illustrations to 3D photo-realistic renderings. We can develop graphics or collaborate to place your custom graphics on the new package. Renders are great for presentations, marketing, and even as online tools for launching new products. Realistic renderings help further refine package concepts and help see the package from all angles. These also help to better visualize branding on the new packaging, and how that branding can be billboarded in both retail and with the consumer. Renders can be static or animated and the photo realism brings the concepts to life prior to prototyping.



The last and most tangible step is to produce functional and commercial quality prototypes in our Design and Sample Lab (DASL). They can be used for sizing, compatibility and consumer studies, trade shows, customer meetings, promotion, filling machine confirmation and more. We digitally print and have a broad range of materials and structures to meet your product requirements.Our unique and rapid methods provide one-off or duplicates of samples with the widest variety of shapes, styles and features like handles, closures and fitments. If it can be manufactured, we can produce it with commercial quality. Our turnaround time continually exceeds customer expectations.


Contact us to discuss your packaging needs.

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12025 Tricon Road
Cincinnati, OH 45246

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